The Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) was started in response to concerns about the quality of care delivered to patients with Acute Kidney Injury and critical illness based on published data demonstrating that such conditions are associated with an unacceptably high mortality, and there is a wide practice variation in diagnosis and management worldwide. In order to address these issues, ADQI has adopted an evidence-based methodology to develop consensus-based appraisal of current issues and possible recommendations for practice and research. The key goal of the ADQI process is to ultimately provide a base for advancement in the diagnosis and management of critically ill patients. Consequently, we have initiated a series of conferences under the auspices of ADQI, supported by scientific institutions and industry partners.
ADQI aims at establishing an evidence-based appraisal and set of consensus recommendations to standardize care and direct future research. The results of previous consensus conferences are available online at www.adqi.net.
Endpoints for Acute Kidney Injury trials: The ADQI 31 conference is focused on Endpoints for Clinical Trials in Acute Kidney Injury (AKI). AKI is a commonly encountered clinical condition triggered by various causes and associated with increased mortality. Despite recent advances in supportive care, survivors from an episode of AKI not only have an increased risk of premature death, but also risk of developing chronic kidney disease (CKD) and progression to end stage kidney disease (ESKD). Currently, no specific therapy exists for preventing or treating AKI other than mitigating further injury and supportive care. To address this unmet need, novel therapeutic interventions derived from and targeting underlying pathophysiology have to be developed. It follows that new and well-designed clinical trials with appropriate endpoints must be designed and adopted to confirm or refute the efficacy of such new interventions.
During the ADQI 31, we will discuss predictive and prognostic enrichment strategies for patient selection, as well as suitable primary and secondary endpoints for different clinical trial designs to evaluate novel interventions and improve the outcomes of patients at high risk for AKI or with established AKI.
Lui Forni, John Kellum, Claudio Ronco and Alex Zarboc
Co-Organizers of the 2023 31st ADQI Conference include:
• The Surrey Peri-Operative, Anaesthesia & Critical Care
Collaborative Research Group
• University of Pittsburgh
• Westphalian Wilhelm’s University of Münster
• The International Renal Research institute Vicenza
Organizers’ contacts:
Lui G Forni, PhD, MB, JFICMI
University of Surrey
Guildford, UK
Email: luiforni@nhs.net
John Kellum, MD
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, USA
E-Mail: kellum@pitt.edu
Claudio Ronco, MD
International Renal Research Institute of
Vicenza (IRRIV Foundation)
University of Padova
San Bortolo Hospital Vicenza – Italy
Email: cronco@goldnet.it
Alexander Zarbock, MD, PhD
University Hospital Münster
Münster, Germany
Email: zarbock@uni-muenster.de
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